
Our Mission Statement

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  • info@industrybusiness.com
  • 3042 Rotterdam, Netherlands; Van Noortwijcksingel
Work Time: 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday - CLOSED
Find us: Krishi Vigyan Kendra (PIRENS)
Babhaleshwar, Tal. Rahata, Dist. Ahmednagar
Contact: 02422-252414, 253612
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Krishi Vigyan Kendra (PIRENS) Krishi Vigyan Kendra (PIRENS), provides better services for the farming community, rural population particularly women and rural youths. Better Farming Techniques Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Ahmednagar as been providing technology backstopping for the farming community since inception in 1992. Pravara Community Radio KVK PRAVARA COMMUNITY RADIO provides information on farming, local issues, solutions, success stories, or specific information at 90.8MHz Exhibitions & Fairs Local produce, technologies, fertilizers better farming techniques and technologies are better dislapyed in our Exhibitions Strengthening The Institution Sau. Shalinitai Vikhe Patil provides her novel guidance & support to KVK and farmer community
Krishi Vigyan Kendra(KVK)

The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) New Delhi after appreciating the work carried out by PIRENS sanctioned    KrishiVigyan Kendra (KVK) in the year 1992.  This has helped PIRENS to intervene more intensively in the field of agriculture.


Pravara Institute of Research and Education in Natural and Social Sciences (PIRENS) is a voluntary organization, established during the year 1985 by Honorable Shri. Balasaheb Vikhe Patil, Ex. Union Minister of Finance.

  • To improve productivity in agriculture and allied enterprises
  • To empower and utilize the energy of rural youth and farmwomen
  • To generate employment in farm and non-farm sector
  • Improve socio-economic condition of rural community

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Ahmednagar has been providing technology backstopping for the farming community since inception in 1992

  • To impart skill of farmers and rural youths through vocational trainings
  • To conduct Frontline Demonstration on oilseeds, pulses and other major commodities
  • To carry out On-Farm-Testing to fine tune the technologies based on farming situations and develop location specific technology
  • To disseminate technologies in the districts by providing training to the extension workers of the various line departments

Production of good quality seed, seedlings and different bio-agents, inputs and services to enhance technology adoption.

  • Use of Applied Biotechnology in Agriculture
  • Promotion and strengthening of Group Organization
  • Utilization of Information Technology in Agriculture
  • Technology Backstopping through critical inputs and services

The KVK has been providing different extension advisory services coupled with different input supply services.


Our Major Initiatives

Information and Communication Technology

KVK has focused on use of ICT in Agriculture from the year 1999 for which different ICT tools have been tested and adopted. Computer, Internet, Mobile, Community Radio as well as Print and Digital Media are different ICT tools used by the KVK to enhance the agriculture technology transfer.

Community Radio Station (CRS) & Information and Broadcasting Center

90.8 MHz FM KVK PRAVARA Community Radio started the programme broadcasting on 2nd October, 2009 with the mission of integrated rural development by providing the information through radio and develop the relation with the soul of the soil

Group Dynamics for Technology Assessment, Refinement and Dissemination

KVK has initiated the concept of group approach during the year 1996 for technology assessment, refinement and dissemination. KVK has established Innovative Farmers Club (Prayog Pariwar) at KVK level and Farmers Club and SHGs at village level.

Applied Biotechnology in Agriculture

KVK has given focus to reduce the cost of production besides natural resource conservation through LEISA technology. Therefore, separate programme is implemented based on use of applied biotechnology in agriculture. KVK has implemented several interventions in Biotechnology

Krishi Vigyan Kendra

The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) New Delhi after appreciating the work carried out by PIRENS sanctioned    KrishiVigyan Kendra (KVK) in the year 1992.  This has helped PIRENS to intervene more intensively in the field of agriculture.  PIRENS is giving a very strong support to KVK for integrated efforts to work intensively to perform better for the upliftment of rural people particularly the farming community and the unemployed rural youth.

Not only the NGO, but the sister concerns of PIRENS i.e. all the institutions of the Pravara Group are also giving strong moral and physical support to the KVs so that the KVK can provide better services for the farming community, rural population particularly women and rural youths.

News & Events

National Initiative on Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA)

Climate change is an area of concern in India, to ensure food security for growing population.

Mission for Development of Agripreneures

We Promote Agripreneurs who give Employment to Community and work as extended hands of the KVK to provide Knowledge

Agriclinics & Agribusiness Centers

A Nodal Training Institution Designated by National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE)

Projects By KVK

To increase the resources at the KVK level and increase the outreach of the KVK by developing various concepts.

Widely Adopted Technologies

To Promote better Farming & Employment to Community KVK consistently adopts new technologies.

Slide Show

Basic presentation of Our KVK giving a brief summary of our activities & ventures for development

Inputs and Services

KVK has taken an initiative to provide the quality inputs to the farmers in the rural area along with advisory services. Area under horticulture is increasing in the district.

  • Seeds and Seedlings
  • Plant Nutrition Diagnosis Center
  • Bio-pesticides
  • Neem Oil and Pheromone Traps
  • Bio-fertilizers
  • Vermicompost
  • Spray Grades and Soluble Fertilizers
  • Spirulina
  • Audio Visual Material

Most of the on campus trainings were conducted for imparting the skills through practical training in the instructional units of the KVK.  Improving productivity and self-employment generation are the basic objective behind the on campus skill oriented training programmes.  Off campus trainings are conducted in the villages particularly on the farmers field where the method demonstration as well as technological output shown to the trainees.he field of the innovative farmers are the venue to conduct off campus training programmes.  Total 885 training programmes were conducted to practicing farmers in the villages. After training programmes, necessary inputs, services and consultancies were made available so that the technology adoption could be improved.

Front Line Demonstration (FLD) is one of important mandate of KVK through which KVK demonstrated the important technology to the farmers. FLD was focused on major commodities of the district and the technologies available were used to solve the problems. Under FLD programme major cereals, oilseeds, pulses, cash crops, horticulture crops were covered.  The problems of the particular farming situation were studied and available technologies from the parent SAU or NARS is being demonstrated so that farmers could get the maximum returns.  Major focus was to reduce the chemical pesticides and fertilizers so that cost of production can also be reduced.  Integrated Pest Management (IPM), Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) is the concepts commonly followed in different crops.

Technology Assessment and Refinement (TAR) is one of the most important mandate of the KVK for which On Farm Trials (OFT) are being conducted.  The main objective behind TAR is to provide technology to location specific problems to sustain the agriculture. OFT are normally conducted for assessment of proven technology if present technology as well as fine tuning of the technology under various farming situations for understanding its suitability in the farmers field.

Extension Activities(EA), KVK is organizing various extension activities for dissemination of the technologies developed under demonstrations and OFTs.  Due to organization of extension activities, the outreach of the KVK has increased.  Similarly the farmers who do not have the benefit of training, demonstration and OFTs were also benefited through these activities.   KVK is organizing annually two to three kisan mela as well as mahila mela. KVK is organizing different activities, like exposure visits, group discussions, workshop and seminars, ex-trainees meet, exhibitions for the members of the Farmers Club and SHGs. KVK has participated in 19 state level and 4 national level exhibitions

To explore Agri-Technology & Business Opportunities Get In Touch With Us and explore various advance knowledge in Agriculture through our Courses.