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Stallfed goat rearing

Goat is being considered as cow of poor family, as goat can be reared without much green fodder. Goat is a multi functional animal and plays a significant role in the economy .The landless labors, socio-economically backward class, poor families, farmwomen, farmers from rain fed area are the major beneficiaries of the goat enterprises.In the district goat population is 9.12 lakh . However, the goats in these area are indigenous non-descript type, which are having less twinning percentage, less weight gain and low milk yield.  By considering the importance of goat rearing and its future for meat and milk, KVK focused on up-gradation of local breed.  For up-gradation of local goat, KVK introduced Osmanabadi for milk and meat purpose.  Osmanabadi breed is more suitable in both backyard as well as semi-stall fed goat rearing Total nineteen trainings programmes for 555 trainees have been conducted during last twelfth  years. Trainees from 13 talukas of the  districts attended training programs. Beside this KVK  conducted short duration training for farmer farm women and rural youth considering the importance of goat rearing and its future for meat and milk.  KVK focused on two aspects i.e. up-gradation of local breed and introduction of semi stall fed goat rearing as commercial venture of goat farming.  For up-gradation of local goat, KVK introduced two breeds i.e. Osmanabadi for milk and meat purpose where as Boer for meat purpose. 

Osmanabadi breed is more suitable in both backyard as well as semi-stall fed goat rearing.For semi stall fed goat rearing KVK brought  50 goat from sheli  Mendhi VIkas Mandal and given to farmer as 5+1 small unit .Self Help Groups were involved for promotion of the goat farming.  Various activities were conducted to the SHG members.  KVK introduced the up-gradation of goat concept in more than 40 villages with 65 breedable bucks.    Total 11 commercial units started by trainees having average goat unit size of 15-40 goats. These unit started in different seven villages of the district . They are producing goats  and earning average Rs.15000- 30000/year. Male goats are selling at the rate of Rs 2500-3500 in local market as well as for breeding purpose.