Every day KVK FM radio starts with the signature tune which is an in-house production of the KVK. Similarly closing of the FM radio transmission is done with a closing tune. In these tunes, the information on starting of the KVK CRS as well as the content played through this radio is being explained. After announcing the importance of the day and the programme schedule of the day, the regular broadcasting of the programme is initiated. For success of any programme, need based planning and development of the content is very important which will educate and entertain the community in the right context. These facts are being considered for developing the content. Before development of the formats of content for the CRS, visits were organized to different CRS as well as FM Radio of public and private sector.
Similarly, need assessment of each class and group of the community was conducted by conducting the survey. Based on this exercise, the formats were developed for broadcast. As this CRS is run by KVK, 50 per cent transmission programmes is dedicated to agricultural programme. Remaining time is equally shared for the programme on rural development, health, education and local culture. The community is heterogeneous having different age group, education level, varieties of enterprises and local culture, ethics and values. Similarly this district has a diverse agro-climatic situations harnessing in adoption of different cropping and farming system.
Considering the socio-economic and cultural environment, the programme schedule is prepared based on which the content is being developed. Daily three hours regular broadcast is done and three hours repeat broadcast is followed.