Dr. E.V.alias Balasaheb Vikhe Patil, worthy son of Late Dr.Vithalrao Vikhe Patil, a leader of reckoning in Maharashtra State, Member of Parliament for over two decades took upon himself the arduous task of translating the dreams of his father into concrete realities by meticulous, punctilious planning and by offering dynamic and pragmatic leadership to the Society. The mission of Pravara Medical Trust established in 1972 by Dr. Vithalrao Vikhe Patil, was further strengthened by Dr. E.V.alias Balasaheb Vikhe Patil by establishment of “Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences (Deemed University) by Provision of state of the art Medical education to the people of this remote rural area, was added upon to the comprehensive quality health care model.
SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION THROUGH EDUCATION: With this realisation, he adopted a strategy to raise awareness amongst the small peasants and the rural poor, through spread of technical and non-technical education.
SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION THROUGH EDUCATION: With this realisation, he adopted a strategy to raise awareness amongst the small peasants and the rural poor, through spread of technical and non-technical education.
The spread of ‘Education Revolution’ with full initial financial and infrastructural support from the Pravara Sugar Factory thus “took off”, giving birth to several educational institutions of repute. The vast spread of network of educational institutions, which today are seen, as an ‘excellent example’, of imparting education in rural areas was not built in a day. This has been built, brick by brick, on the basis of realisation of acute need for education, in remote parts of the rural areas.
The seed laid by the Dr.Vithalrao Vikhe Patil blossomed into a sylvan symphony with a large chain of educational institutions. Pravara Medical Trust , Pravra Rural Education Society, Dr. Vithalrao Vikhe Patil Foundation , Pravara Institute of Research & Education In Natural and Social Sciences are the educational institutions of eminence,fully well equipped, with modern infrastructural facilities, supported by well qualified and competent faculty.
Mention must be made that all institutions are duly recognised by the concerned statutory bodies of State and Central Governments. Such institutions also provide opportunities to those, who otherwise can’t afford higher education in big cities, due to higher cost of living.
Shri. Eknathrao alias Balasaheb Vikhe Patil, is leader in his own right who set Paradigms in the rural development in the contemporary Maharashtra. His involvement in every sphere of rural upliftment serves as a torch to understand and proceed in the right direction. As late Pandit Jawarharlal Nehru rightly pointed out that “people should come here (Pravaranagar) and sees how real co-operative is organized and run and former President of India Dr.Kalam said that, “Loni Integrated rural development model” is an ideal model for government India’s PURA programme.