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  • 1-779-333-67992
  • info@industrybusiness.com
  • 3042 Rotterdam, Netherlands; Van Noortwijcksingel
Work Time: 09:00 - 17:00
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Improved Fodder Production

For all types of livestock there is much importance of fodder because balanced diet and nutritious fodder are main support of milk production.  In animal rearing diet, care and health are included.   Weight gain of animal, age, production capacity and other body functions needs all type of nutrients getting from feeds is called balanced diet.  For balanced diet sufficient quantity of feed and fodder are necessary.  In dairy production 70% expenditure is on animal feed.  Therefore it is necessary for farmers that they should give nutritious fodder to crossbreed cows. In dairy occupation animal production is based on its healthiness and their feed.

Milking cows needs green fodder, dry fodder and concentrate in balance feeding.  In green fodder both legume and non-legume shares equal quantity.  There is need to have  availability of continuous green fodder throughout  the year, Green fodder provides important nutrients for body growth and production. In nutritious green fodder, there is ample quantity of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and minerals available. High water percentage of green fodder provides easily digestible soluble nutrients, so green fodders are light for digestion To serve the purpose KVK conducted 17 off campus training programmes on fodder cultivation for 505 farmer .KVK introduced Cowpea, Oat, Yeshwant, Jaywant maize, Marvel, Phule amruta, Giant bajra,DHN-6 and Co4  by giving demonstration on 18.6 hecter area .  Feed and fodder management resulted in overall increase in milk production up to 10 to 15 per cent besides increasing the fodder yield and helps in improving  health of animal.