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Online Pest Monitoring & Advisory System

Sponsored by: Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India
Implementing agency: National Centre for Integrated Pest Management (NCIPM) New Delhi
Collaborating centre – Krishi Vigyan Kendra , Babhaleshwar Tal.Rahata Dist. Ahmednagar, (MAHARASHTRA)

After introduction of Bt cotton, we could achieve effective management of Helicoverpa armigera and Earias spp., but it has been noticed out of field trials conducted under Technology Mission of Cotton IPM ((from 2003-04 to 2006-07) that pink bollworm would pose a major threat to Bt cotton due to its crop-phenological niche and farmers practices of neglecting their crop and not terminating even after the crops potential yield period. Similarly there is a steady increase in infestation of sucking pests like jassids, white flies ,thrips aphids etc. The minor or unseen pests such as mirid bug, mealy bug and shoot weevil are also attaining economic importance in Bt cotton. Besides, in many locations, Bt cotton hybrids are grown in poor or marginal soils under rain fed situations, where the agronomic conditions do not support the high boll retention in Bt cotton hybrids consequently leading to abiotic stress situations. More attack of biotic stresses such as grey mildew, leaf spots, rusts, etc. in extended Bt cotton hybrids were also noted. Under such situations, they reduce net leaf area expressing cry toxin and may further inhibit the level of toxin expression too, which makes the plant more vulnerable to attack by bollworms. The pest problems, particularly that of minor pests, have not been monitored regularly and often remedial measures are undertaken only after they reach epidemic or cause huge losses. Mealy bugs in Gujarat and Punjab from 2006 onwards and Spodoptera infestation during 2005-06 in north zone and mirid bug in central zone were eye-openers to plant protection specialists and state agriculture departments. A regular monitoring of cotton pests, using preferably Information Communication Technologies and development of suitable IPM strategies is need of the hour, as it will lead to better preparedness by all agencies involved in plant protection and to issue proper advise to farmers based on actual pest problems. Now it is a high time for reorienting IPM approach in cotton.

  • Development and implementation of web-based pest monitoring and advisory services for emerging pests, diseases and any other significant problems in cotton crop
  • Sharing the information on pest scenario with state / central agencies for developing IPM strategies
  • Awareness through validation and demonstration of management strategies, trainings and electronic media to enhance the capabilities of farmers
  • Socio-economic studies for impact analysis
  • Collection of real time weather data, development of pest correlation with weather data and statistical     analysis of pest data for hot spots
  • Monitoring of resistance in pink bollworm population.
  • Under this project 13 cooperating centers have been selected in 9 states of our country and KVKAhmednagar is one of those collaborating centes where the project is being implemented since 2010-11.
  • Survey and surveillance for major insect pests, diseases and natural enemies in cotton cultivated under different cropping system i.e. mono-cropping, mixed cropping, inter cropping or High Density Plantation System (HDPS) is to be carried out at each centre
  • At each centre 18 intensively cotton growing villages are to be randomly selected from two districts. In the next year 50% of the villages will be new villages.
  • Before the crop season, baseline information will be collected from each village from the cotton growing farmers to know the resource endowments and the level of crop productivity.
  • IPM technology will be disseminated through group meetings/ farmers trainings/print media and at least 60-70 farmers per village will be registered for issue of the advisories through SMS.
  • At each centre the pest activity will be recorded by six Field Assistants (three villages/ field assistant) by selecting two fixed fields in each village. The data sheets from Field Assistants will be collected by SRF and after verification, the data will be handed over to DEO for upload the data and should also ensure uploading of data at appropriate website.
  • Once in a week, centre PI along with SRF will conduct survey in the villages not covered under the fixed villages for the pest satiation or any pest reported by the farmers.
  • Fortnightly the pest information will be passed to State Agricultural Department/SAU for further action.
  • At weekly interval, based on prevailing pest scenario in the area, location specific advisory will be issued on the website and also sent to the registered farmers through SMS. Other media such as village board, flag etc will also be utilized for issue of the advisory at village level. The advisory will be regularly viewed by planners as well as Ext4ension Personnel from Central/ State Agricultural Department.
  • Samples of pink bollworm larvae will be regularly collected from all the centres for monitoring resistance.
  • Collected pest data from different centers will be used for statistical analysis, identification of hot spots and weather correlation studies by CRIDA and IARI.
Extension Activities

Training programmes For the IPM farmers selected under NISPM project two on campus and two off campus training programmes on Bt cotton production were organized by KVK Ahmednagar and the total package of practices on Bt cotton were delivered by the KVK scientists. These selected IPM farmers also shared their experiences as well as got clarified all their queries during these training programmes. Literatures of Bt cotton production technology were also distributed during these training programmes
Field demonstraions
A.Stem application technology After the sowing of Bt cotton was completed, the field demonstration of stem application was organized in the villages selected under NISPM project. In this demonstration farmers were demonstrated the stem application technology of systemic insecticide in Bt cotton in which imidacloprid 17.8% was used in1:20 dilution with water and applied on stem of Bt cotton after 30,45 and 60 days of crop growth stage. It proved highly effective not only in managing the sucking pests but also in minimizing the use of chemical pesticide.The farmers were highly convinced regarding this technology.
B.Installation of sticky traps and pheromone traps The field demonstrations were also conducted on installation of yellow as well as blue sticky traps for management of white flies and thrips whereas pheromone traps for monitoring the infestation of boll worms in Bt cotton. The concept of sticky traps has been strongly adopted by the Bt cotton growers and majority of them approached the KVK for supply of these traps.
Field visits and diagnostic visits The periodic field visits, group discussions and shivar pheri were undertaken for proper dissemination of IPM technology among the Bt cotton growers. The scientists of KVK regularly visited the Bt cotton fields under OPMAS project and discussed with the farmers about the crop management
Field Days – The field days were organized in the selected villages under OPMAS in order to show the difference between IPM and Non IPM plots and also to note the performance of various inputs used under IPM. Almost 100 farmers participated in field days. The scientists of KVK and representatives from department of agriculture were present for the field days.
Mass media – Articles on IPM technology in Bt cotton and success stories of IPM cotton were published in KVK magazine for proper dissemination of the technology in Bt cotton. Radio talks of KVK scientists and the progressive cotton IPM farmers were broadcasted through All India Radio Ahmednagar as well as CRS of KVK Ahmednagar