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Moth bean as mixed crop in pearl millet

Nirmal Pimpri, village selected for NICRA project is in rainfed receiving average rainfall is 450 mm. This year total rainfall received in the village is 350.8 mm which is very scattered and insufficient. Onset of monsoon was one month delay, sowing completed in first fortnight of July. Pearl millet is mainly cultivated in light to medium soil and periodic drought during growth period always affects initial vegetative growth and tillering. Hence intervention is made by introducing mixed cropping with moth bean which act as mulching crop. This system help to conserve the moisture and minimize evaporation losses during initial crop growth stage beside minimized the weed intensity.  This year after sowing of crop, there was two subsequent dry spell of 26 days. Sole pearl millet crop showed stunted growth; even some farmers� crops were dried. Under such situation this intervention helps to minimize the evaporation and conserve the moisture. Crop growth in the intervention is comparatively good. This help to increase the crop yield by 9.77 per cent. (yield of intervention is 17.18qt/ha, local check is 15.62 qt/ha) besides this additional yield of mothbean which was 1.5qt/ha and income of Rs. 7500/ha. 

The B:C ration of intervention is 1.70 and local check is 1.18.  This year rainfall started one month late hence many farmers have not adopted this mixed cropping interventions because month bean require 125-135 days for maturity. Late sowing affect the next season i.e. rabi season crops.