Course Title : Organic Farming
Duration : 05 days
Course Coordinator : Bharat Dawange,
SMS (Plant Protection)
Contact: 02422-252414 /253612, 09860668892
Information about the Course:
The productivity of soil is declining gradually due to indiscriminate use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. The crop productivity is also declining besides increasing the cost of production. Increasing use of agro chemicals are creating human health hazards. The export of agricultural commodities from our country is minimized due to toxic residues in vegetables and fruits. By considering all these facts, organic farming is the only alternative for sustainable agriculture. Organic food products like fruits and vegetables are gaining momentum in the foreign markets fetching premium prices. Export of organic farm produce can certainly increase the foreign earning in a big way. To make organic farming successful, it is essential that
eco-friendly technologies which can sustain the agricultural productivity have to be made available to the farmers. Marketing of organic produce is the main problem due to lack of knowledge among the people.
Course Content:
-Organic Farming perspectives and components
-Package of practices of organic farming for different crops
-Crop nutrition management in organic farming Irrigation management in organic farming
-Pest and disease management in organic farming
-Certification in organic farming Govt. roles and policies in promotion of organic farming
-Marketing of organic produce
-Export potential in organic products
Eligibility: 7″ pass
The trainees after undergoing the course will understand the package of practices in organic farming as well as the procedure of organic farm certification, After getting the organic certification the produce will fetch higher price in the market. There is always a large scope for export of organic farm produce through which the farmers can earn more foreign exchange and thus profitability from agriculture will be inc5rease along with the sustainability in crop production.