Course title: Broiler and Poultry Layer Management
Course duration :3 days
Course coordinator : Dr. Vitthal Vikhe,
SMS, Veterinary
Contact: 02422-252414, 253612
Course Content:
• Market and demand for poultry
• Breeds of poultry
• Selection of site, poultry housing
• Requirement of material for poultry
• Layer production, broiler production
• Local improved breeds for commercial production
• Feed formulation, feed management
• Control of various pests and diseases, vaccination
• General management of the poultry unit
• Development of proposals for finance, bank loan, schemes and programmes of funding agencies
Eligibility: Minimum 7h Std.
Information about the Course:
Poultry is the fastest growing agrobased enterprise in India. There is good domestic and export demand for poultry meat and eggs. With less land and water, this enterprise can be started. Similarly there is contract system developed by many private companies which has solved the problem of marketing. However, many times with less knowledge and information, youths are starting this enterprise resulting to failure of this enterprise. Therefore, there is need to get the knowledge, skills and information of poultry management.
After completion of course trainees can start their own poultry unit for layer or broiler production or can start commercial production of improved poultry. Besides contract farming can also be started.